Saturday 24 May 2014

Revamp time!

This blog has been silent for a while, basically because my life was a bit too hectic last year, but now that things are a bit more stable I'm back! Since last I posted I've been published in the student paper at my university and generally thought a bit more about writing, so I thought it would be a good time to get this blog running more regularly (at least before I go on holidays in July).

So I've cleaned up this blog, and in the next few months expect a few posts. I will probably start setting this up for a bit more activity in the future.

Cheers non-existent followers,

Sally x

Thursday 8 August 2013

Hello, and welcome, to my blog!

Hi there!

I feel like I should sort of introduce myself before I get into this project, and also explain what the hell I'm doing. My name's Sally-Anne, I live in Melbourne with my girlfriend and beautiful housemates. I'm currently muddling my way through my arts degree while trying to work out what my politics mean and how to best enact that in my surroundings. I'm a queer cis woman from a white, newly middle class migrant family of central and eastern European decent. I enjoy deconstructing oppression, media, emotions and people.

The aim of this blog is to be a political, personal, observational, and emotional space. It will always be a work in progress. My aim is to have a place where I can practice writing - and ordering my thoughts so that they can actually be coherent enough for people to understand - but also to draw out what I think and feel about the things that are important to me. Hopefully we will think and learn together to an extent.

Alright, cheers hypothetical readers!
